Navigating Home and Belonging: Public Discourse on COVID-19 Restrictions in NSW, Australia, and New Zealand

Rasha Neddar

21 October | 17h30 | Room C228

Space Gulliver Returns to a Place No Stranger than Home

by Sampurna Chattarji

24 April 2024 | 2pm ! Room B112.C

Finding a Home (for Art) in Lisbon: an Interview with Contemporary Visual Artist Aleksei Gribel

18 April 2024 | 11h | Room B112.C

Hugo David in conversation about his work

14 March 2024 | 8:00 — 9:30 | Room C 008

Morbid Interiors: Basements, Living Rooms and Gothic Domesticity in 19th Century America

Prof. Neil Larsen

15 March 2024 | 11:00 — 12:30 | Room C 138 A

A new issue ROAM (RHOME Creative journal) is now available.


Explore the creative pieces on the theme of (Dis)locations: Shifting Notions of Home

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