Representations of Home - Notícias

ROAM Creative

(Dis)locations: Shifting Notions of Home

ROAM Creative

Autumn 2022/23

(Dis)locations: Shifting Notions of Home


At the Lavra monastery above Kiev

The Dnieper river is a distant blue ribbon . . .

(Maria Winnett, “Five Gold Domes,”  Envoi journal, 2013, 7)

School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon

University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

22-23 June 2023

Call for Papers

Extended deadline: 20.01.2023


ROAM Outreach 2

"Sound and Vision": Painted Responses to Music

ROAM Outreach 2

 "Sound and Vision": Painted Responses to Music

LIve Performance with Music and Painting featuring:

João Gama, Maria Tristão, Lucas Calheiros, Marta Agostini

28 April 2022

17h - 18h30  Anfiteatro I

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

ROAM Outreach 1

Art, the Audience and Activism: How Can the Arts Bring About Real Change in the World?


Guest speaker: Marisa de Andrade, University of Edinburgh


Date: 5th April 2022, 9h30-11h

Venue: Room C247

Admission: Free

ULICES / RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar

Migrating, belonging, and the ‘feeling of home’: Analyzing identity through narrative discourse

Title: Migrating, belonging, and the ‘feeling of home’: Analyzing identity through narrative discourse

Guest speaker: Martina Podboj

Date: 18 November 2021, 11h00-12h20

Venue: Room Sala C137, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Organisation: University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies | RHOME – Representations of Home project


Call for submissions for the Winter issue

ROAM 2 Creative Journal

Emotions and the pandemic

Where we have been, what we have felt, where we go next

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