Representations of Home Creative Journal

ROAM - Summer/Autumn 2023 - ROAM 3


Olivia Dawson

My books are my safe place
but my daughter thins my shelves,

colour matches spines, says tidy homes
sell houses I shudder at reds all in a row,

and Penguin Classics clashed with acid greens,
quiver at this new (dis)order unsettling my space.

She says there's a book-bin every Monday
that the books aren't pulped but I've seen

dealers pick bundles at random,
dump leftovers in church porches.

I'm scared Rebecca will be abandoned
and restyled as a handbag,

although maybe it would be a thrill to hold
her ghost concertinaed into a tote

and smuggled into my new home,
slipped unseen amongst my mementos.


Olivia Dawson


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