Representations of Home Creative Journal

ROAM - Spring/Summer 2021 - ROAM 1

Olivia Dawson

“Museum of Shelved Dreams”

Summer 2020


Grandchildren’s boots, armour against

garden snakes, moulder in the garage,

I catalogue them: Too Small For Next Year.

Rolls of neon beach towels, neat

as swaddled babies, I record as: Pristine.


Pink and blue melamine, on view in the kitchen,

I categorise: Obsolete. A precarious tower

of well-thumbed books, I classify: Outgrown.

My daughter’s pyjamas, threadbare seams

frail as cobwebs, I smooth under her pillow,


labelled: Hope For The Future. There’s a hush

in my house, like the calm of a museum

with roller blinds lowered to ward off the light,

or the quiet of a front room, curtains drawn

against the sun – all brightness eclipsed.

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