Representations of Home Creative Journal

ROAM - Summer/Autumn 2023 - Table of Contents

Table of Contents

(Dis)locations: Shifting Notions of Home


Olivia Rana Swimming Lessons

Thomas O’Grady Fledglings

Kaja Rajuscek  At the tip of the world

Rachael Franke Finding Home au bord du lac

Olivia Dawson Downsizing

Lesley Saunders Writing Oneself Hom

Mary St George 25 Abril

Jonaki Ray New Landmarks

Joy Al-Sofi Technology Transfer

Maria Valle Ribeiro Weddings

Sonia Aires Lima Things which benefit from disorder

Dorothea Boshoff Homegrown

José Marques One Life 

David Sampson A lament for Yiddish 

Carla Soares home blues

Gabriel Franklin The Scent of the Ocean 

Diana V. Almeida Home, sweet home 




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